Eine junge Analystin bei Deloitte in Grossbritannien sandte dieses Mail ihren Team-Kolleginnen. Dummerweise läuft das jetzt durchs Web....

«It's been nearly 4 months at Deloitte, so I think we should have some sort of Xmas awards ceremony for us ladies about the stuff that really matters at work i.e. gossip / the boys!

his probably massively violates the HR equal opportunities policy, but never mind! It's all for fun and a bit of a laugh.

Ok, so the categories are below, please get your votes in asap, I'll send out the results on Friday 18th Dec (that is all I will be doing that day as I will be SO hungover from the ball!)

Any comments as to why you've picked a certain person that are particularly good / hilarious can be included, anonymously, of course ;)

1.) Fittest Boy - Looks
2.) Fittest Boy - Body
3.) Best Dressed Boy
4.) Boy Most Likely To Sleep His Way To The Top
5.) Best Piece Of Gossip
6.) Most Attractive 'Older' Member of Staff (i.e above analyst grade)
7.) Boy With The Best Personality
8.) Most Hilarious / Embarrassing Moment A Girl Has Had
9.) The Official Deloitte First-year Analyst Girls 'Man of the Year'

Worauf ein Leser den Kommentar schrieb: «Sie hat eine Kategorie vergessen – 'Girl Most Likely To Get Fired'.»

Aus: «Here is the City»