An entire team of private bankers has left Vontobel's Brazil desk, but the Zurich-based investment firm has no intentions of pulling back its operations.

Marcio Medeiros Vieira, Vontobel's head of the Brazil desk in Zurich, is turning his back on Vontobel Wealth Management, Vontobel confirmed this at the request of Vieira is taking an entire team with him, including Mauricio Charifker Schindler, Tobias Eppert, and Thierry Casnati. The financial portal «Citywire» (paywall) first reported the departures, although it is not yet clear where the private bankers are headed.

At Vontobel, the change is seemingly being taken in stride, with the firm intending to fill the gap and even expand staff. Vontobel's Latam desk in Zurich employs around 20 people and is headed by Arturo Stoecklin, which, in addition to Brazil, covers Argentina and Mexico.