«Liar's Poker» and «Moneyball» author Michael Lewis's next book will educate readers about the world of cryptocurrencies through, characteristically, a unique character. 

In 1989 Michael Lewis launched his literary career with the instant Wall Street classic «Liar's Poker» in which he chronicled his life as a bond salesman at Solomon Brothers in New York. How followed that up with other character-driven books including «The Big Short», «The Blind Side», «Flash Boys» and «Moneyball».

Now, in an interview with the British financial website «Financial News» (behind paywall), he hints that his latest project will delve into the world of the cryptocurrency market. «I will lift my skirt a little, but not a lot here». Lewis is known for building his stories around strong and unique characters and it looks like he has found another. «But I found a character through whom I can write about — it weirdly links up 'Flash Boys', 'The Big Short', and 'Liar’s Poker'», he says.

«I guess it will possibly be marketed as a crypto book. But it won't be a crypto book. It will be about an extraordinary personality. In the process, you'll learn all about crypto and what screwed up the market structure in the United States,» tells «Financial News».

Interest Piqued

Lewis said at least once a year over more than a decade he received «some serious entreaty from some serious person inside of the crypto world
for me to write about crypto.» However, after engaging with them on the topic, his interest quickly waned. That is until the right character came along. Lewis was introduced to a man in the crypto industry through a mutual friend and the two went on a hike together and Lewis was hooked. 

«At the end of the hike, I said, ‘Holy s***.’ All of a sudden, I got interested in crypto,» Lewis said as his interest in the financial structure of markets, and the distribution of the rewards within them was awakened.

While saying the currently does not know what the story looks like, «Interesting characters and interesting situations will generate a story for you,» he says.

That was certainly the case with «Liar's Poker» which gave us Alexander, Dash Riprock, and The Human Piranha, among other notable characters.